30 juny Children from all over the world, welcome!
Dozens of boys and girls coming to Barcelona from many European countries (Italy, England, France…) attend our school. Also families from other countries of the world (Japan, the USA, Argentina, Pakistan…) have chosen our school for their kids. We have around 25% of students from other cultures whom we are glad to welcome to our beautiful city year after year.
What do these families say about their experience in Peter Pan?
“Amazing school, amazing teachers and even more amazing kids and education. The school has great academics, very strong language teaching (trilingual) and was a fantastic place for our kids to grow into themselves from age 3 to 12. If you are looking for a school that is full of warmth and fun and inspiration and balances creative nurturing with a rigorous and high level of academic standards, then we wholly recommend this school… Above all, the school respects the children and let’s them be who they want to be, a wonderful foundation for letting them learn to be happy in themselves and learning to do what interest them later. Thanks Peter Pan.”
Mike C., Japan and England.
“Es un colegio concertado único en Barcelona. Es laico, con muy buen inglés…. Tienen cocina propia con un menú saludable y equilibrado, su propio huerto. Todo lo bueno de una escuela acogedora pequeña… sin ser “la fábrica de niños” de 6 líneas. Vamos, para nosotros ha sido perfecto. Los profesores conocen muy bien a los alumnos y se preocupan por ellos. En los últimos años han entrado maestros jóvenes: dedicados, cariñosos y con buen inglés. Hay bastantes extraescolares al mediodía. En 5 años no encontré ninguna pega.”
Елена Уланова, Rusia.
I al mateix temps, quina experiència més bonica per als alumnes autòctons poder compartir amb nenes i nens d’arreu del món una escola catalana on la llengua anglesa està tan present a tots els espais d’aprenentatge!