Graded Examinations in Spoken English

Graded Examinations in Spoken English

Yet again, Trinity College London has delivered fantastic updates: our students have excelled in the oral exams evaluating their English language communication skills.

Dozens of non-native English speakers from 3rd to 6th graders embraced the “Graded Examinations in Spoken English” challenge with enthusiasm. Progressing from level 1 to level 6, these students engaged in diverse topics with the examiner and left feeling extremely satisfied.

Once again, our dedication to establishing English as a primary language in our school has received recognition. Students in Early Years Education, who are immersed in English throughout the day, and those in Primary Education, benefiting from various subjects taught in this language, witness their progress being acknowledged year after year.

We commend the students for their relentless pursuit of improvement, families for supporting our educational vision, and all teachers for their ceaseless dedication across all disciplines.