Sant Jordi: literature and emotions

Sant Jordi: literature and emotions

On April 21, a splendid educational institution adorned with spring decorations crafted by the students graciously hosted hundreds of attendees for our esteemed cultural festival: Els Jocs Florals. This year’s event was dedicated to the revered writer, Josep Maria Espinàs.


Recently, all students composed poems in both Catalan and English, which were meticulously evaluated by a jury comprising parents, former students, and teachers. During the poetry contest, amidst resounding applause, six outstanding works per grade level were recognized—three in each language—culminating in recitations performed on stage by their authors. Additionally, newly arrived students showcased their linguistic progress through entries in the “My first poem in Catalan” category.

Subsequently, the competition for plastic arts honored several drawings from each grade level. In regard to the Júlia Castells “Aprenem a pensar” award, select students presented their reflections derived from weekly writings throughout the academic year.

The event also featured musical performances: the four-year-old students delighted us with their whimsical rendition of “The ants go marching,” while the five-year-olds performed “El vint-i-tres d’abril by Dàmaris Gelabert. The first-grade children recited Gloria Fuertes’ poem “Cómo se dibuja un castillo“, and the second graders joyfully danced on stage to “I’m Gonna Be (500 miles),” one of seven songs from “Dansa Ara“.

The boys and girls of the sixth grade performed a segment of the Cantània, which they will present in full at the Auditorium shortly. The fifth graders sang the beautiful poem “Cançó de fer camí” by Maria Mercè Marçal, set to music by Borja Penalba. To conclude the celebration, students from third and fourth grades invited the more daring audience members to sing along with them to “Wonderful World” by Sam Cooke.

If there were any tears, they were tears of joy; if there were any shouts, they were expressions of emotion; and if applause was abundant, it was well-deserved. Our students truly shone during this cultural event due to their exceptional preparation beforehand.

We encourage you to engage in writing, reading, drawing, reciting, and singing throughout the year as our students do, and… “strive to discover three or four things that amaze you each day”, as Espinàs suggested.

Long live the Jocs Florals!