Jocs Florals 2022: A Delightful Celebration

Jocs Florals 2022: A Delightful Celebration

The final term has commenced with our cherished event, the Jocs Florals held on St. George’s Day. After a prolonged period of postponements for this gathering of students, teachers, and families, this year’s celebration was particularly thrilling. The excitement was evident in the expressions of the children, the enthusiastic applause from family members, and the palpable festive atmosphere.

The students took center stage as expected. The jury announced the winning poems in Catalan for all Primary grades, while the English jury revealed the winners of the Poetry contest for grades 3 to 6. Students received awards for their artistic drawings that garnered the most votes, and notable Thought Journals were recognized in the “Aprenem a Pensar” contest.

For more details on all awarded literary and artistic works, please click on this link: RECULL SANT JORDI 2022.

Throughout the event, we enjoyed various performances including songs and group recitations in Catalan, English, and Spanish, along with dances presented by each grade. We concluded the afternoon with a communal sing-along that brought together participants of all ages.

It truly was a remarkable celebration!