19 Sep Female sport achieves great success at our school.
At our school, we have several basketball teams known as the #VerdsVoladors. In previous years, only a quarter of our basketball players were girls; however, we have observed a significant change over the past two years: this academic year, over half of the participants are female players.
Peter Pan School has successfully promoted the involvement of girls in team sports. An increasing number of girls aged 5 to 7 are enjoying sports activities in the afternoons, and girls from 3rd to 6th grade participate in training and competitions weekly with our school’s teams. Some compete on all-girls teams while others play on mixed teams alongside their male classmates. All participants perform at a commendable level and derive enjoyment from these activities.
In school minibasketball, we do not perceive significant differences between the gameplay of boys and girls. Both groups exhibit considerable effort in physical and technical training, resulting in a high pace during matches. We do identify notable similarities: a shared enthusiasm for learning, an equal desire to enjoy themselves, and a remarkable capacity for collective effort aimed at growth within this sport.
Peter Pan School made a conscious decision some time ago to expand the foundation of women’s sports so that all our children would feel encouraged to engage in educational, rigorous, and enjoyable sporting activities. Our families embraced this challenge and have contributed significantly towards making it a reality.
Congratulations are in order! Let us celebrate having so many enthusiastic female players while remaining vigilant, as the pursuit of equity requires daily commitment: we have made progress but must now focus on sustaining it.
Boys and girls, let’s play basketball!